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  • Kat

Cozy Mashed Potatoes, Peas & Mushroom Gravy (Vegan)

I have a sick hubby at home, so I decided to make some mashed potatoes and peas, which to me is one of the most comforting foods! When I was a child, my mom used to make “nests” for me where the mashed potatoes formed a circle holding all the peas in the middle, and then she would add gravy on top! I wanted to add some gravy on top tonight to make this meal extra comforting and yummy, but I didn't have any gravy! So I decided to get creative and whipped together a few ingredients that I had in the fridge and I loved how it came out, and thought it was worth sharing!

Vegan Mashed Potatoes with Peas & Homemade Gravy

*Cut up some organic potatoes and steam for 10-15 minutes. Add steamed potatoes to food processor and mix in unsweetened coconut milk (or almond milk) until you get a nice consistency. Add some sea salt to taste.

*Then steam some organic peas to add on top.

*For the gravy I took a big dollop of organic hummus* and mixed with some organic vegetable broth and organic unsweetened coconut milk, until it was a nice and creamy texture. I threw in a small can of organic Crimini sliced mushrooms (4oz) and salted and spiced to taste! I then poured this over the mashed potatoes and peas and "wallah" a healthy, but cozy, comforting meal!

*A lot of hummus contains canola oil (rapeseed oil) which isn't good for you and also citric acid, however I found an organic hummus by Nature's Promise which doesn't have either of these ingredients. However homemade hummus is always best!

*Next time I may add some sauteed onions and garlic to the gravy for extra taste and also to the mashed potatoes! Additionally fresh sauteed mushrooms instead of canned would make this recipe even better!

Happy & Healthy Eating!

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