What Exactly are Flower Essence Remedies?
Flower Essences are the energetic imprint of a flower essence in water, which is then usually preserved with organic alcohol or vegetable glycerin. The flower essences help to balance out energetic imbalances and is akin to receiving an energy healing. It works on a subtle, but deep level helping to heal mental and emotional patterns that are not serving you! They also enhance spiritual growth and awareness. They are truly magical assistants for your healing journey!
Why LotusWei Flower Essence Remedies?
I have been working with and enjoying the incredible effects of Bach flower remedies for years, and now I have integrated into my practice another amazing flower essence supplier ~ LotusWei! After hearing founder and creator Katie Hess in an interview, I was inspired to find out more! What I discovered was a beautifully created flower essence line that offers six different Flower Elixirs that address any modern-day issues with one easy tincture! These six colorful varieties also come in an Aura Mist and Balancing Serum which have the delicious addition of essential oils! Yum!
My journey with Lotuswei products started by trying the Inner Peace Elixir, along with the Mini Mist Collection and Mini Serums when I was having a difficult time ~ and I experienced instantaneous results! After only 2 weeks of religiously using LotusWei products I knew these flower remedies were life-changing and I wanted to help spread their healing power to as many people as possible!
I have been adding Lotuswei products into my Holistic Health practice and find they propel people's personal growth much faster when added into their health protocol! Sometimes I make a custom flower tincture and suggest they use a Lotuswei serum or mist in conjunction and it is Flower Power galore! Yay! Taking a custom internal tincture along with an external serum and/or mist really helps to bring pinpointed healing!
For the past 6 months I have been part of Lotuswei Flowerevolution program and have seen magnificent results in my life! Such a testament to these beautiful remedies!

This photo is of me spreading the flower power at a holistic fair over the summer ~ I had so much fun!
The Flowerevolution is a program created by Lotuswei that every month delivers unique flower elixirs right to your door! The second I heard about this, I said "sign me up!"
Wishing you a magical day filled with magical flowers and happy thoughts!
Lots of Love,
