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T-Z Single Handcrafted Flower Essences

Discover Our Handcrafted Flower Essences

Explore our diverse selection of meticulously crafted flower essences, each with unique therapeutic properties and benefits. Designed to support emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, our essences offer a gentle yet profound path to harmony and growth.


Flower Essence Descriptions:

  • Tall Mulla Mulla: Eases feelings of discomfort and distress in social settings.
  • Tall Yellow Top: Addresses alienation and loneliness, fosters a sense of belonging.
  • Thrift: Encourages generosity and open-heartedness, counters miserliness.
  • Thyme: Invigorates energy, supports overcoming lethargy and procrastination.
  • Trailing St John's Wort: Aids in healing deep-seated traumas, enhances nerve health.
  • Tree: Symbolizes stability and grounding, supports personal growth.
  • Tuberose: Awakens passion and sensual spirituality, deepens emotional connections.
  • Tufted Vetch: Strengthens determination and persistence, aids in overcoming obstacles.
  • Turkey Bush: Stimulates creativity, encourages expression and inspiration.
  • Valerian: Promotes relaxation and deep sleep, eases nervous tension.
  • Vervain: Helps relax excessive enthusiasm, promotes calmness and patience.
  • Vine: For leadership and authority issues, encourages a balanced approach.
  • Walnut: Protects against outside influences, eases transitions.
  • Waratah: Provides courage and persistence during adversity.
  • Water Violet: For those who feel lonely and isolated, promotes sharing and openness.
  • Watermelon: Invigorates heart energy, encourages emotional openness.
  • Wedding Bush: Helps commitment to relationships, projects, and life paths.
  • Welsh Poppy: Encourages realism and practical solutions.
  • White Chestnut: Eases repetitive thoughts, promotes mental clarity.
  • White Lotus: Symbolizes spiritual purity and enlightenment, elevates consciousness.
  • Wild Oat: Clarifies life's direction and purpose, aids decision-making.
  • Wild Potato Bush: Helps with feeling burdened and overwhelmed by responsibilities.
  • Wild Rose: Revitalizes interest in life, combats apathy.
  • Willow: Helps overcome resentment and bitterness, fosters forgiveness.
  • Wisteria: Supports ease in intimate relationships, encourages trust.
  • Wisteria Chinese: Similar to Wisteria, with a focus on balancing feminine energies.
  • Witch Hazel: Protects against negative energies, enhances resilience.
  • Wood Anemone: Encourages youthful spontaneity and innocence.
  • Wood Betony: Protects against negativity and environmental stressors.
  • Yarrow: Offers protection from negative energies, strengthens auric field.
  • Yarrow Pink: Similar to Yarrow, with a focus on emotional healing.
  • Yarrow Red: Offers energetic protection and vitality.
  • Yarrow White: Amplifies Yarrow’s protective qualities, enhances purity.
  • Yellow Cowslip Orchid: Supports leadership and decision-making, reduces stubbornness.
  • Yerba Mate: Energizes and revitalizes, promotes mental clarity.
  • Yerba Santa: Enhances personal boundaries, supports emotional release.
  • Yew: Fosters renewal and transformation, helps overcome fear of change.
  • Yorkshire Fog: Offers comfort and softness, eases rigid attitudes.
  • Zinnia: Encourages playfulness and light-heartedness, relieves seriousness.


Tailored Preservation Methods for Enhanced Well-being

Recognizing that our clients have diverse needs and preferences, we are pleased to offer our essences in three distinct formulations:


  • Water Remedy with Organic Brandy: Ideal for those who prefer the traditional preservation method, our brandy-based essences are designed for longevity, typically remaining potent for several years when stored properly.

  • Water Remedy Organic Coconut Glycerin*: A perfect choice for individuals avoiding alcohol, this option ensures a GMO-free and canola oil-free remedy. Coconut glycerin offers a sweet taste and extends the shelf life of our essences to about 45 days without refrigeration, making it a gentle yet effective alternative.

  • Lactose-Free Organic Sucrose Pellets: For those seeking an alcohol-free and liquid-free option, our sucrose pellets provide a convenient and lactose-free way to enjoy the benefits of flower essences.


*Unlike most non-alcoholic flower remedies that are preserved with vegetable glycerin containing canola or rapeseed oil, we prioritize purity and quality in our preservation methods. Kat, as a qualified Flower Essence Practitioner, has meticulously created these Flower Essence Tinctures to ensure they are free from alcohol, canola, and rapeseed oil, catering to the holistic well-being of our clients.

T-Z Single Handcrafted Flower Essences

  • Additional Information

    Experience the Magic of Flower Essences

    What exactly are flower essences? They are the energetic imprint of a flower's essence, delicately extracted through a sun infusion process. While they may not carry the taste or aroma of the flower itself, they encapsulate its healing properties and synergistic energy.

    These essences work on a subtle yet profound level, addressing energetic imbalances and supporting emotional and mental well-being. 


    Crafted with Intention

    Every essence is crafted with intention and prayerful meditation, infusing them with heightened vibrations and potency. These Flower Essences are specially formulated to soothe and uplift, offering a beacon of light during challenging times.


    Your Path to Well-Being

    Curious about potential side effects? Rest assured, our remedies are gentle and non-invasive, suitable for all ages and constitutions.


    How to Use

    Embrace the intuitive guidance of your soul as you incorporate our flower essences into your daily routine. Simply take 4 to 5 drops or pellets as needed, directly on the tongue or diluted in water, tea, or even in skincare products. There are no limits to the ways you can infuse your life with their gentle magic.


    Note: Our flower essences are also beloved by furry friends and little ones, offering a soothing touch to their lives as well.

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