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*One of a Kind *Handmade *Reiki Charged for the Highest Good *Clears Negative Frequencies *Protects Against Chemtrails & EMFs/Cell Phones/Wi-Fi/Electronics
Click here to read about how these custom
Magical Inspiration Pendants & Pyramids came to be!
This pendant measures: 4.2cm wide, 4.5cm tall with the wire wrap, and 1cm deep
*Comes with an adjustable cord.
*Please note every orgone creation is hand made and therefore one of a kind. The images accurately portray the size, aesthetics and energy of the pendant; however, you will receive a unique creation intended for you.
Fairy Dust & Lace Crystal Heart Pendant ~ with Flower Essences from Narnia!
This heart pendant is inspired by Kat’s Magical Inspiration Card ‘Fairy Dust & Lace’ and is a gentle yet beautiful reminder of where you have come from and the lineage that has come before and even after. It is about our ancestry and the interconnection of our human family. This pendant helps to fill us with the magic of healing, knowing time is an illusion. There is a sweet, soft energy that you can feel as you wear this pendant, it feels familiar and it helps us to remember the truth of who we are and why we are here. The loving space it creates allows for gentle healing to occur.
This pendant helps us to feel grounded and honors our ancestral lineage. It also connects us to the Divine and our beautiful essence. Earth & Spirit merge and connect through your heart bringing a deep and empowering sense of self.
Energy Protection
This orgone pendant helps to align your energetic body with healing orgone energy. The layers of metal and resin with carefully selected crystals aid in a variety of physical, emotional and Spiritual imbalances resulting from our current environment.
Orgone is another word for the subtle, yet powerful energy of creation. Modern environmental and emotional pollution can wreak havoc on our body, mind and Spirit, and this orgone pendant seeks to even the energetic scales.
Wear your orgone pendant daily to tune in to the Unified Field and fall in to the warm embrace of Love.
This delicate Fairy Pendant channels orgone healing throughout the entire physical and energetic body.
Hand crafted with love and intended for the Highest Good of All.
Fairy Dust & Lace Heart Pendant
Custom Magical Inspiration Orgone From Narnia
Magical ~ Sweet ~ Remembrance
Crystal & Metal Properties:
AMETHYST: a stone of protection. Connect you to to your Higher Self, Spirit-Guides and the Angelic Realms. Open the gateway to our intuition and psychic abilities. Provides psychic, mental, and physical alignment. It assists in meditation and helps us to visualize more easily.
MOONSTONE: connected to the energies of La Luna - enhances intuition, connects us to the Divine Feminine, opens the pathway from the heart to the third eye. stimulates vision and dream work. It can magnify the emotions, activate the kundalini energy in women and emotional balance in men, and is supportive in children to drive away nightmares or insomnia. this stone vibrates with the feminine wisdom and Goddess energies. It stimulates intuitive knowingness of Universal truths.
PEACOCK ORE: clears the energetic pathways to all the Chakras, it enhances the movement of Qi, through the body, and stabilizes cellular energy as higher frequencies are integrated.
CHRYSOCOLLA: purifies the home, body, and spirit...aligning imbalanced energies. helps one attune to the perfection of the Universe - within and without. helps release stress from negative emotions. Opens the throat chakra and facilitates heart centered communication. Also, connects to the third eye to allow ease of communication from psychic transmissions.
AJOITE: connects the heart and throat chakra, inner peace, stimulates understanding on one's circumstances and creates space for absolute love
RAINBOW FLUORITE: is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit. Fluorite further anchors intuitive insights into the physical plane, allowing mental and physical coordination.
SELENITE: A highly attuned crystal which self cleans and cleanses other crystals. Helps one connect to their higher self and into higher frequencies.
Flower Essences from Narnia:
The Fairy Dust Pendant also contains the following a
custom Flower Essence blend that was made
with intention and prayer by Kat.
This blend contains flowers specifically for:
Peace of Mind/Tranquility
Intuition/Inner Guidance
The Creation Process:
Kat is so honored to co~create these one of a kind orgonite pieces with her beautiful soul sister! What sets these handmade orgonites apart is the intentionality, devotion and care that is put into every element of these pieces being created!
The conception begins with Kat, when she intuitively gets called to create a new piece. Kat uses her Magical Inspiration & Winter Magic cards as her inspiration!
Kat will meditate with the card that she is drawn to and will feel the energy, colors, and overall intention that needs to be infused into the orgonite. She may also create a custom flower/ tree essence tincture, or supply sacred ingredients from Narnia (where she lives) to infuse the handmade orgonite with.
Kat will then discuss her ideas and will share her infusions with her soul sister who then will pour these orgonite pieces in a very sacred space. It is very important not only who creates the orgonite but how they are created! A healing, sacred space adds to the vibration of the final piece!
Every orgone healing generator is created with pure, loving intent. After the pieces are cured, they are sanded and polished by hand to illuminate their radiance, creating a pure reflection for you to see your inner beauty and truth.
Each piece is created to alchemize imbalanced energies resulting from environmental and emotional pollutants, and intended for the Highest Good of all who work with this healing art form.
Orgonite is based on the research of Dr. Wilhelm Reich and the work of Don and Carol Croft. Every orgone creation is made with polyester resin, metals of varying kind and density, and quartz crystals. The layering of these elements creates a matrix which effectively cleanses our energetic environment, and is the science and activating force in this healing art form. Polyester resin is used because part of its molecular structure which includes a chain of carbon atoms - making it an "organic" compound, which attracts EMFs. Also, polyester resin has a high rate of shrinkability when curing, which creates extra force on the surface of the quartz. This pressure magnifies the already present electrical charge on the surface of the quartz, amplifying the holistic healing properties of this abundant mineral.
At the completion of creation, Kat then infuses each piece with healing blessings and love for the recipient! She takes great care to lovingly pack each order with many little added details.
The intention of these handmade pieces is to light up the world with, love, healing blessings and a vibration of unity and peace.